Gaeilge do Thuismitheoirí

croi.jpgTapaigh an deis chun Gaeilge a úsáid!

Tá an leathanach seo dírithe ar thuismitheoirí a bhfuil a gcuid páistí ag freastal ar Ghaelscoil.Tá sé lán de frásaí úsáideacha gur féidir a úsáid sa bhaile chun an teanga a shní isteach sa saol laethúil.Tá go leor buntáistí ag baint leis an Ghaeilge a labhairt sa bhaile. Má fheiceann do phaist go bhfuil tusa díográiseach i dtaobh na Gaeilge de, beidh an meon céanna aige nó aici. is fiú go mór féachaint ar an suíomh idirlín áit a bhfuil i bhfad níos mó achmhainní teanga do thuismitheoirí. Tá súil againn go mbeidh aistear na gaeilge sultmhar agat le do pháiste, le tuismitheoirí eile agus ar ndóigh, linne!Gabhaimid buíochas le Gaeloideachas Teo. as cead a thabhairt dúinn chun sliochtanna as an leabhrán iontach "Deán Comhrá- Cúpla Focal" a fhoilsiú ar an leathanach seo. Tá an leabhrán ar fáil ag ......Molaimid go mór é.!

Seize every opportunity to use Irish!

This page is aimed at parents who attend, or would like to attend a Gaelscoil. In the near future, it will be full of simple, practical vocabulary that can be used at home by families on a daily basis.We hope that parents will find useful phrases and words to use with their children at home, while doing homework, having meals together and as part of their daily activities.

There are many benefits of speaking Irish at home with your child and we hope that these words and phrases will help make Irish part of your daily routine.You can help your child build on their confidence and improve their new language by giving them lots of opportunities to speak Irish outside the will help give them regular, real reasons for using the language. If they see that you are enthusiastic and positive about learning and using Irish, they will be too.

Many thanks to the team at Gaeloideachais Teo.for allowing us to use excerpts from Deán Comhrá -Cúpla Focal" on this website and which you can download from.... Best wishes on your adventure na GaeilgeFrasaí do Thuismitheoirí 1.jpg

Frasaí do Thuismitheoirí 02.jpg

Gaelscoil Bhun Cranncha,
Ascaill an Chaisleáin,
Bun Cranncha,
Co. Dhún na nGall

074 93 61988

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